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    Bitcoin Mining Introduction

    What is  Bitcoin Mining?
    Bitcoin mining
     is the process by which the transaction information distributed within the Bitcoin network is validated and stored on the blockchain. They receive fees attached to all of the transactions that they successfully validate and include in a block.

    How do you get bitcoins for free?
    Let us look at some of the approaches to help you earn Bitcoins online.
    1. Mine your own Bitcoins. The very first way to get your own Bitcoins was through mining.
    2. Do work for Bitcoins.
    3. Offer something for Bitcoins.
    4. Gambling and casino games.
    5. Use various Bitcoin faucets.
    6. Boost your trading skills.

    Read More: 6 Ways to Earn Bitcoins Online

    How does a Bitcoin work?
    A transaction is a transfer of value between Bitcoin wallets that gets included in the block chain. Bitcoin wallets keep a secret piece of data called a private key or seed, which is used to sign transactions, providing a mathematical proof that they have come from the owner of the wallet.

    How do you get a Bitcoin?
    Get bitcoins. You can get bitcoins by accepting them as a payment for goods and services or by buying them from a friend or someone near you. You can also buy them directly from an exchange with your bank account.

    What is a Cryptocurrency mining?
    Mining programs tap into your computer's hardware resources and put them to work mining Bitcoin, Litecoin, or another type of cryptocurrency. And no, even if your hardware is used to generate money for them, you don't get any of it. They get all the money from putting your hardware to work.

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